More and more curious souls travel to the mysterious Jaśminówka, where – so is told – happy and well led life is cultivated by legendary society, supposedly one of the happiest in the Old Continent! Fascinating phenomenon! The 28th of September was a very special day for the society, because some brilliant minds wanting to dive deep into the secret of their happiness paid them a visit. The head of the trip was the director of the wydział analiz Instytutu Satysfakcji i Zadowolenia Wojtas Takitaki, and his assistants were there to help him.
The research party was warmly welcomed by the society. They happily shared their knowledge and ideas. The analysis and conclusions were astonishing! It turned out that this little group of people draw their happiness from the contacts with nature, cooperation, eating healthy with their close ones, art and craftship, spending time with friends and family. Now that it is known, that is no surprise that Jaśminówka is full of joy and happiness 🙂
Thank you very much:
Karolina Adamiak, Piotr Brzytwa, Julek Czarnota, Mariusz Drobina, Monika Ekielska, Janek Figołuszko, Ania Gżegżółka, Basia Hulaga, Tomek Ignacy and Ryś Jagoda for sharing your secrets of happiness.
Representatives of the Institute of Satisfaction and Happiness for their commitment and willingness to spread the prescription for happiness :).
To all researchers from Salve- Bądź Zdrów, who have thoroughly looked at and experienced happiness firsthand!
Photoreportage: Nox Studio