- I have read and I commit to follow the rules stated in th Regulations of providing the service, to which the following statement is an attachment as well as following the instructions given by the Service Provider and the Staff.
- I declare, that me and other participants are in full health and show no symptoms of SARS-COV-2 infection, we have no symptoms of airways infection such as, cough, cold, fever or shortness of breath.
- I declare that me and the other participants are not on a quarantine and in the past 14 days we had no interactions with an individual infected with SARS-COV-2.
- I am fully aware of a possibility of SARS-COV-2 infection during the escape room game.
- I will not proceed to press any accusations to the Service Provider/Staff in a case of SARS-COV-2 infection, be it me or any other participant of the game.
- I take full legal responsibility of my health and other participants of the game.
- I declare to inform the Service Provider via phone call about a a quarantine due to COVID-19 infection.
- I take full legal responsibility for not following the safety measures, especially for the damage coming from my omission of the rules stated by the Service Provider, the Staff or the third party.
- Every escape room game participant is obliged to cover their mouth and nose.
- Refusal or omission of the following rules is tantamount to not being able in escape room game participation.
As a person booking the game I state, that I will inform the other members of the group about stated above rules.